CINELA XLR-3 M/F Cables for OSIX, E-OSIX, Piano and Pianissimo

CINELA XLR-3 M/F Cables for OSIX, E-OSIX, Piano and Pianissimo
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Price: 70,00€ + VAT
Price (VAT included): 85,40€

Model: [CIPIACAB1]
Manutacturer: CINELA

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Rated 5/5 (2 Votes)

CINELA spare cables w/ Male/Female XLR-3 connectors.

OSIX-XLRMF (7/8/9) Cavo per sospensioni OSIX, 3 diverse lunghezze
E-OSIX-XLRMF (7/8/9) Cavo per sospensioni E-OSIX, 3 diverse lunghezze
PIA-CAB-1 Cavo per Piano
PIANI-CAB-1 Cavo per Pianissimo

​RF Option per ogni cavo XLR-3 M/F: aggiungere euro 36.00 + IVA


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